So here’s an update to yesterday’s post, “The Problem with Customer Service”
On the suggestion of my friend Neil, plus a little twitter help from my Canadian friend Darren, I tweeted my post to @overheardatmoo before I went to sleep last night. And I awoke to an email from Dan the Customer Service Manager at Moo. His reply is below, and much more the kind of answers that I was looking for. One that actually uses facts to explain things. They look to be trying to do good on me, so we’ll see where this goes. Thanks to everyone for suggestions and Moo gets a pat on the back for getting in touch.
Hi Bill,
We saw your blog post and wanted to get in touch to discuss your recent MOO order.
MOO is constantly trying to improve its color reproduction, and over the years we have made some big changes in an attempt to better serve our customers. We print images from a variety of sources and do our best to find a “one size fits all” solution.
In the past, MOO has used its own color profiles, to help maintain our customers color settings. These profiles were mainly designed to compensate for laminate or paper differences on our products. Since your order last February, we have updated how our color and image processing works. We now use public profiles and have specialized settings on our presses, which help to calibrate before each print run.
We appreciate that these settings may not suit all our customers and that some images do print darker than expected. This also helps to explain the difference between your original order and the new one. We are looking into this issue and hope to make some changes in the near future.
We are more than happy to notify you after these changes are made, and would be happy to reprint your order free of charge once we have verified the fix.
Best Regards,
I’ve got to tell you, I think twitter has been more of a help to me from a customer service basis than almost anything else. I like that companies have people watching. They understand that if I write a blog post and tweet about something that a thousand potential customer might read it and go somewhere else. It’s keeping people honest.
Anyway, I’ll keep you all in the loop as this develops. Thanks for all your help.