#191: Gardiner Used All the Saturation

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This week, is boring art bad? Then again, who is to say whether any art is either good or bad? That said, do we miss part of the conversation if we don’t “get” a piece of art from the start? Or, should expecting to connect aesthetically to a particular piece or body of work be enough? Also, is there such thing as taking a perfect photograph and would you try 720,000 times to take it? Plus, we discuss a couple of your Crit Wall entries. Arthur Meyerson is our Photographer of the Week.

On Taking Pictures – Google+ – Assignment: #morelight

Coca Cola: The Gift Bottle [BTL Case] – YouTube

Is It Bad If Art Is Boring? : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture : NPR

The Köln Concert – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

David Sylvian – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ognissanti Madonna – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jerry Uelsmann & Maggie Taylor: This is not photography | Lynda.com

Photoshop CC 2015 Update Raises Liquify Rendering Problem | Fstoppers

After 6 Years And 720,000 Attempts, Photographer Finally Takes Perfect Shot Of Kingfisher | Bored Panda

Fojo | A Darkroom for Smartphones

Tiny microscope lets you see the smallest-ever inkjet prints

The best thing about the SpaceX rocket landing was the human reaction | The Verge

Astropad for iPad | Graphics Tablet App

Rainy day, someone bought me a bottle of Bourbon so I thought I’d have a go a…

Volunteering at a refugee center I met this small time actress who only had b…

Arthur Meyerson Photography

Arthur Meyerson: The Color of Light (10 Photos) | PDN Photo of the Day

Arthur Meyerson – Only in Houston 2007 Award Winner – YouTube