© Nicole Tung
This week, we discuss the magic of things and the legacy of genius. Is Winogrand’s camera, Clapton’s Stratocaster, Picasso’s brush or Hemingway’s typewriter somehow imbued with greatness? In choosing the same tools as our heroes, do we secretly (or not so secretly) hope that a bit of their magic will rub off on us? Photojournalist Nicole Tung is our Photographer of the Week.
On Taking Pictures – Google+ – Assignment: #FoundArt
G.E. Smith Jams on the Guitar That Killed Folk! – YouTube
Episode 07 :: Revisionist History Podcast
Bruce Springsteen – Wings For Wheels – The Making of Born To Run -2005 – YouTube
Busker by Gonzalo Silva on Apple Music
Episode 10 :: Revisionist History Podcast
usain-bolt-sourire-photo-rio-2016.jpg (1200×800)
Nicole Tung (@nicoletung6) | Twitter
Fellow Photojournalist Nicole Tung Remembers James Foley : NPR
Nicole Tung: Covering Conflict | Annenberg Space for Photography