Day 42: Twilight in Hogsmeade


Day 41: Self Portrait Ad Infinitum


Day 40: K. Harrison Sweeney

Day 39: Jay Maisel

The Man, The Legend. If you’re unaware, educate yourself here:

Day 38: Rose Center

Inside the Rose Center with the camera in my Droid. Quality is shit, but it’s kinda like a Holga that way.  Somehow gives it a bit of charm.  Click to enlarge, of course.

Day 37: Jennifer

Shot with an improvised diffuser panel made from a Children’s Place plastic bag.

Day 36: Sea

Click to enlarge

Day 35: Sink

As always, click to enlarge.

Inspired by a photograph by Sivan Lewin

Day 34: Turner

I have a hard time remembering names, so I use mnemonic devices and relate new people to people I know or famous people. When I first met Kathleen at the cafe downstairs from my place, I remembered her name by changing her last name from Kyllo to Turner in my head. To this day I just call her Turner.

As for the light, sometimes the sun is the only source you need.

Day 33: Randy Duchaine

Photographer extraordinaire Randy Duchaine, who I’m proud to call my friend, outside of SoHo Photo Gallery.