Day 196: Kim

Click to enlarge.

Day 195: Blur

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Day 194: Sunset

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Day 193: Pinhole Experiment

I rebuilt my pinhole lens cap today. Replacing the foil with some thin steel I bought at the art supply store. Still not as good as I’d like it to be, but sharpness as improved a bit (yes, it was THAT bad before). Still has a neat look. By the way, it’s crazy bright out today at 104 degrees and I still needed 1/50th of a second at ISO3200 for this shot.

Click to enlarge.

Day 191: Self-Portrait

It was a long and somewhat miserable day.  Good representation of how I feel. Haggard and dissected.
Also, this is right out of camera. Single frame, no Photoshop.

Click to enlarge.

Day 190: DKNY

This afternoon I shot an album cover for an old friend name Dave (this is not it btw, but it does involve the sculpture in his lap).  For about a decade now he’s been in my contacts as DKNY because his name is Dave Keener and he grew up here in New York city. If it’s good enough for Donna Karen, it’s definitely good enough for Dave.

Click to enlarge.

Day 189: Rain

Click to enlarge.

Day 188: Walk

Click to enlarge.

Day 187: Sleeping out of a Suitcase

Click to enlarge.

Day 185: Kathleen

I’m doing my best ‘A-list, bald, creepy, on-camera flash photographer’ impression with this one. Easier than I thought. Luckily my lovely friend Kathleen (I call her Turner) stopped by to say hello in an adorable jump suit and was happy to oblige me.

Click to enlarge.