Day 143: Claudia & First Woman

Claudia is my neighborhood buddy and as you can see she’s got an adorable little girl.  The little one’s cuteness seriously almost gives my nephew Bert a run for his money. Almost.
Claudia, that’s the mom, is also a member of  The Magnetic Fields You probably already know who they are. Go buy some of their music if you don’t have it already. 69 Love Songs seems to be the favorite of most of my friends.

Click to enlarge.

Day 141: Shawn

Shawn was my roommate back in my first year at Berklee College of Music in 1995.  Bumped into him last week after not having seen him in 7-8 years. So tonight we went and had some noodles to catch up. Time flies when you’re taking pictures.

Click to enlarge.

Day 140: Gary

Click to enlarge.

Glacier Point: Picture behind the picture

This morning, we found this picture on Heather’s old iPhone.  Taken as I was perched precariously on the edge of a 3000 foot cliff  (not really, there was a big ledge in front of me) and just moments after I took the picture below (the clouds had slammed into the face of half dome and moved downward by then).

And this is the picture I was taking:  (click to enlarge)

A Canon 5D Mark II with a 50mm/1.4 prime lens.  No tripod, no medium format, no film holders, no fancy anything. About 2.5 pounds of gear. When we got home I had it printed at 30×48″ and it looks amazing even from a few inches away.  Modern technology is awesome.

By the way, if any of you want to buy a print. Send me an email (bill at, I know the photographer so I can get you a deal. Any size, but it’s definitely made to be seen big.

Day 139: Silhouette

Click to enlarge.

Day 137: Sign

Click to enlarge.

Day 136: Lindsay

Lindsay Goranson was one of my subjects for 365 Portraits back in 2007. She’s a wonderful actress and one of my close friends, on top of being a total biscuit. And she just gets more beautiful every time I see her.
Sometimes it’s amazing to me how many of the people in my life were met during that project.

Click to enlarge.

Day 135: Bubble Chamber

Day 134: Blueberries

Day 133: Kaytee Kut-up