Day 120: Craig Ward at TDC

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Day 118: Mother

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Day 117: Derby Boys

Day 116: Bicycle

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Day 115: Portrait of the Enemy

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Gina Trapani

As you may know, I’ve got something of a wish list of people I’d like to meet and take portraits of. So when I knew I was going to be in southern California last week I thought it would be a great opportunity to swing by San Diego and meet up with Gina Trapani.  If you don’t know, Gina founded, which is very cool.  Nowadays she works on a piece of software called ThinkUp which is currently being used by people like, well The White House.  As if that wasn’t enough she also writes for Fast Company and is one of the hosts of This Week in Google on Leo LaPorte’s TWiT Network. Oh and did I mention that she’s also a total sweetheart?   Enjoy.

Day 112: Chelsea Sexton

Chelsea Sexton was one of my 365 Portraits subjects way back in the day, but we’ve stayed in touch and become friends.  So I figured I’d have her a ring while I was in LA and we took a quick ride over to the Huntington Garden and sat on a bench chatting. You may know her from the documentary “Who Killed the Electric Car” from a few years ago.  She’s a producer on a new film called “Revenge of the Electric Car” which was recently screened at the TriBeCa Film Festival. So keep an eye out for that one at a theater near you. On top of all that she’s pretty awesome.

Day 110: Disney Concert Hall

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Day 109: Cesar Mendez

Day 108: Conrad in Joshua Tree

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