Bombay Beach

Bombay beach on the coast of the Salton Sea is a trippy place.  Over 200 feet below sea level and all of 5 by 5 short blocks of motor homes and boarded up crumbling homes.  The real prize is over the berm protecting the town from the sea.  Apparently back in the 70’s the sea overflowed a number of times and buried a few blocks of houses feet deep in sand and salt. They’ve been decaying ever since.  It’s like something out of a zombie movie.  Here’s what’s left.

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Day 107: Salton Sea

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Day 106: Palm Trees at Night

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Day 105: Lara

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Day 104: Diana

Day 103: Kenneth

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Day 102: Darren

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Day 100: Dancer

Yaay! 100 days in. 265 to go. Got my 50/1.2 back from Canon today so I thought I’d see how all that lovely bokeh, which I paid handsomely for, looks when it’s done on purpose.

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Day 99: Todd Barrish – CEO Indicate Media

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Day 98: Self-Portrait

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