Day 89: Eran Bugge

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Day 88: Evan Jones

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Day 86: Randy

Today I schooled Randy on blogging, and he schooled me on being a real photographer.
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Day 84: Editor

I think it’s about time I take over the world as a motivational speaker with hidden subliminal messages a la Bubba Bo Bob Brain.

Working on it.  Click to enlarge.

Day 83: Lounging After Long Walk

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Day 81: Jesse Auguste

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Day 80: Michael

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Day 79: Mark Small

Today I had the opportunity to spend a few hours getting into some deep philosophical discussions about the meaning of art with an old acquaintance of mine from The University of Connecticut.  So not only did I take his picture, but we also recorded a quick little 30 second clip of what he sounds like playing that horn.  Enjoy.

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Click to enlarge.

Day 78: Gatlin

I’m 6’1″, so while I’m not the tallest guy on the block. Even so it’s rare that I’m actually looking up at someone. Gatlin is a super sweet guy and also has a good 8 inches on me. It’s ok, I’ve got 13 years on him.

Click to enlarge.

Day 77: Mike Litos

Mike is a particle physicist at the Stanford Linear Accelerator.  For those of you who don’t know what that is, it means he’s badass. Basically he smashes matter together in an effort to make it break so we can see what’s inside.

Here is the 2 mile long building in Google Maps. So badass

Click to enlarge.