Day 62: Texture

A chunk of the Sistine Ceiling or a rusty paint bucket. You decide!

Day 61: Ed Dale

Ed and I have been facebook and twitter buddies for a while now. He started out a fan of my 365 Portraits project.
The thing is, he’s normally in Australia of all places, but today he was in NYC and so we had lunch. We got on like gangbusters and I’ve got the feeling that this is the start of a nice long friendship.  The internet is a grand idea.

Click to enlarge, as always.

Day 60: Dorothy in a Bottle

Click to Enlarge.

Day 59: I Love A Rainy Night

Day 58: Leaf

Day 57: Kate

Click to enlarge.

Day 55: Alien Landscape

Click to enlarge.

Day 54: Craig escapes from the zoo

Click to enlarge.

Day 63: Henry

Click to enlarge.

Day 60: Left Eye

Click to enlarge