Mary Elizabeth Williams

Motion – Ashley

Panels – Balloons

Here’s the forth Panels image, and the first one that isn’t going to creep people out. A bit more fantastic. Hope you like it.

Motion – Amber

Panels – Chased

The third image of my Panels dream series. And yes, I know, there will be more men and more happy dreams coming soon. 

Motion – Eran

The first of my series of studies on motion with the great help of one of my favorite people Eran Bugge.

Hannah Davis


Hero – Tony Vaccaro

Today I had lunch with photographer Tony Vaccaro.  Tony’s one of those monster old-timers who’s seen it all.  Best known perhaps for his photographs as a GI in WWII, he has shot portraits of almost everyone you can imagine.  JFK, Grace Kelly, Enzo Ferrari, Eleanor Roosevelt, Georgia O’Keeffe, and pretty much everyone else you can imagine for magazines like LIFE and LOOK.  Over lunch I got to hear stories about him and Picasso, the Shah of Iran, and Charlie Chaplin just to name a few.  It was great.
I also took the opportunity to shoot a few shots of the master myself.


Tate is a monster and murder maker. He’s the kind of guy you want on your side in a virtual movie fight to the death.