
An extra shot from today’s ‘Laid-Off’ shoot.

Laid-Off: Charis Haines

Charis Haines – Dancer, Upper West Side       (Click image to view larger)

BusinessWeek – Kim Matheson

Another BusinessWeek shoot I did months ago finally showed up in the mail. They only publish this magazine every 8 weeks so I expected it to take awhile.
The one they chose wasn’t my favorite shot of the bunch, however did they use it double spread which is exciting!  My choice from the selects is also below.

POZ Magazine – Luz

September’s POZ magazine has been released, containing a some pictures I took of an HIV positive mother named Luz de Jesus Roman.  We had two sittings together, one last year while she was pregnant and then another a while back with the baby.  Probably the longest photo lead time I’ll ever deal with.

The ones against the the grey were taken in Luz’ kitchen in the Bronx.  5′ wide seamless taped to the wall, and one large octabox crammed into the corner and me with my trusty 28mm wide-angle lens about 3 feet from her with my butt against the kitchen table.

I had originally converted the cover shot to black and white (see 4th image), but the magazine decided they wanted it in color after all.  I think that third photo is my favorite.


A few shots of author Dexter Palmer taken on a west side pier.

BusinessWeek – John Borthwick

My portrait of real-time web investor John Borthwick is in today’s BusinessWeek.
Thanks to Josh Gerritsen for the assist.  

Coney Island

Corona Park

Took a walk through Corona Park in Queens yesterday. Man that globe is big!

