7th Ave Corridor

Self-Portrait 090213

On Kubrick.

Mary in the Stairwell

Mary and the Dead B&N

Sad Press

Some of you may remember that little printing company downstairs from me that I’ve talked about before.  The guy who owns it is closing after his family has had the shop and building for about 100 years.  This guy literally grew up there.

Well today I awoke to loud truck sounds, looked out the window and saw a small forklift moving the 100 year old press onto a flatbed truck.  I went down and too some pictures.  The guy walked past and I said, “You ok?”  and he replied, “No, I’m not ok. It makes me want to cry”. And if you saw this guy (I’m going to take his portrait soon), you’d know that crying is not a normal state for him.

The new owner went over to shake his hand to seal the deal once they had it on the truck and my guy said, “Take good care of it.”  It was terribly sad.  Actually made me cry. The good news is that the press is going to PrintIcon on 18th street in Chelsea, so it’s going to continue to be used. 

Here’s one of the photos.  I took a print down to him earlier.  Sorry it’s big, just one of those that doesn’t look good small.


Another Red Horse barista for the series

HAC on the roof


Today, Meg and I got the chance to test a model from Elite.  Dasha was young, Russian, and very beautiful.  I’m not a fashion shooter by any means, but with a model that looks like that it’s kinda hard to screw up.

Thanks to Seiji Uehara for hair, and Colby Smith on make-up.  They’re the real the heroes of these photos.

Paco Underhill

On page 45 of this week’s BusinessWeek there is a portrait I took for them of Paco Underhill.  Something of a retail guru, this is the guy who came up with the wide aisle, sit around browsing, coffee shop style book store stuff.

Anyway, here’s the pre-crop/pre-bad-CMYK-converted original and one additional shot I liked.
